H Tredwin & Son was founded in 1860 by Harold Tredwin and has continued to help the bereaved and provide a caring, dignified and professional service for over 150 years. Originally builders and funeral directors - the company still offers handmade coffins reflecting the practical skills passed down through the generations.

Our History

Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We have an office in the centre of Wellington where anyone is welcome to pop in to and where we host families and anyone seeking our help.

We have private parking at both our Office and Chapel of Rest as well as disabled access.

Wellington (and surrounding areas) is not only home to H Tredwin & Son but our home and our community.

As a business and a family, we endeavour to serve our local community, delivering the highest quality service possible.

Tradition is a big word in the funeral industry. Not only is the funeral profession stepped in traditions and rituals but our families heritage is too. While we enjoy the quirks and history that come with tradition and find comfort in practising funeral directing the way our ancestors did, we also understand the importance of change. H Tredwin & Son endeavours to move with the times and are able to offer a modern approach to funeral directing to match the culture and society we live in today.

What people have had to say about us ...

Dear Nick & Louise,

On behalf of the family I would like to thank you for looking after dad and help with arranging the service. It is much appreciated. Thank you Nick for taking the flowers to the cemetery, dad would have been pleased that is where they went.

Dear Louise,

I just wanted to thank you very much indeed for your kindness and advice, and your quiet presence on the day of my fathers funeral. I was glad to meet Nick. He and his team played their part with a light touch and really well.

My brother and I felt the day could not have gone better.

Louise, Nick and all at Tredwins,

Thank you so very much for organising us and your calm guidance through dads final journey.

From our first meeting, Louise, the whole process was handled with professionalism and compassion. We were so grateful for your willingness to accommodate our wishes.

A heartfelt thankyou for the caring and professional way in which you conducted -'s funeral. In particular Louise, you made it very personal.

Everyone said it was a lovely funeral and I was so glad we did him proud.

Just to say, with so much appreciation and gratefulness, thank you so much for all you did to make -'s send off such a special one. 

He would have loved the personal touches that made it individual for him.

Our Handmade Solid Oak Coffins

Learn more

As well as the funeral directing business, the Tredwins have also been passing down the knowledge and skills it takes to build a solid oak coffin from scratch. Every Tredwin father passing on the knowledge to their sons, who become fathers and pass on to their sons. 

A skills now almost non existant in todays world, we are so proud to be able to say we are one of the only funeral directors in the UK still making our own solid oak coffins, in house.

Read our Story

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